Jan 20, 2006

Farewell dinner with most of all people

I'm not promoting and have nothing to do with Google. They don't pay me yet!!! However, Hanna must creat new account on Gmail, which provides more room for attatched files. Recent trial to send mail failed again.

I think I need to post some photos of farewell dinner here on last Sunday. Crew gave me a pot of water and good chicken pasta. I wonder why always should I have to ask crew water at the restaurant in Taiwan. They don't drink water?

John and Pei-ling bought nice cake and Hanna blew candles. I just ate it devourly. Pass me bigger piece of cake right now.

Actually I don't know much about Hanna. Even I have no full name of her but I think she let us have some chances to get familiar each other. Especially thanks to Mei-ling, John and Pei-ling.

Here sixth floor, 9 more good international students lives but church people gives me a little different emotion whatever I can explain.

I'm, hungry again. No fish 'n chips there... or English pudding?


Min said...

Again!! Sorry, I should be blamed, Pei-ling...