Jan 19, 2006

No reindeer, No elk

It was not quite easy to reach the Finnish Restaurant at Kaosiung. But food was nice.

I found I didn't bring my camera just getting on the car and regretted on in Restaurant.

John looked tired but other people were fine I guess. Hanna seemed to get homesick when she was reading a book about Finland there. (Un)fortunately, I took the book belongs to the restaurant out without notice and got on Mei-ling's car. I thought it belongs to Hanna.

Well, when can I bring it back to the restaurant?

We talked about which is Finnish smell in the restaurant. First there was a pretty reindeer doll but suddenly somebody replaced it with a pot of orchid. We just took some picture in front of big poster tries to show how Finland is good place.

Toy train was much interesting. I controlled it several times. I got the memory of young days when I really wished I have toy train.

Many sugar and butter seem to be some compensation for no reindeer or elk meat there. Mei-ling and Fei-ling gave me more packs of sugar and butter so that I have now much of them.

Hope I can get pictures John took soon and post here.

In addition, they have no reindeer or elk dish today.