Nov 13, 2007

flag above flag

On last Thursday and Friday, I went to city stadium to join school sports day. Not only my small school, but also many junior and high schools belong to the same foundation were crowded in that big stadium.

I enjoyed sunshine, games, and people. Especially, I like to see young girls are playing, running, shouting, laughing, chatting, jumping, cheering, yes, cherishing their rare opportunity that they don't have to go to classroom and study.

Win or lose, they enjoyed games and got happy all the time. It is the power of young age. Whether their appearances are good or not, they were all the same to me. Whether their true character are good or bad, they were all pretty and bright.

Well, what I tried to say was, I enjoyed two days there.

One more thing, I found they didn't hang KMT flag this year. It's a good sign. Two years before, exactly at same stadium, I was so uncomfortable because the flag was hung above the PCT banner. I've asked many teachers why, but they just told me it's a regular ceremony, which meant nothing. They said nobody cares.

It's no doubt a big improvement. It's the result of democracy as well. They are removing the old values of KMT and its rule bit by bit as if CPC(中國石油) became 中油. I believe it's small but big step for the independence even though many mainlanders still resist and refuse. In some sense I understand them. I believe it's one of the substancial stage not only for Taiwanese but also themselves.