Dec 29, 2007

One worship in chapel

I once designed an altar of chapel in school. It was prepared for a graduation preach by my friends last year. Basic idea focused on women and feminism that color tone was basically purple. I found and used some curtains which was already used by last year's students.

The cross is a bit different from normal Presbyterian churches in Korea. It has a circle on center and used to represents Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT) as well as TTCS.

The shapes was motivated and copied from a journal of AWARC, "In God's Image." Four shapes of women were arising in sequence. I like it. I equipped small lights behind each shape and made it lit right after the sermon.

Some small pillars made of paper were also arranged in front of altar. Round pillars of blue and purple color symbolizes unity and reconciliation of all sexes.

The other part was 14 pictures and cartoons representing Via Dolorosa which were posted on 14 big columns in chapel. Some were shocking to men such as "Abolition is a personal decision, not a legal debate." It made a serious professor uncomfortable.

With excellent preach by two candidates, worship was quite good, I believe. A professor even surprisingly commented that he has been waiting this preach for six years. I assume many of women students in this school were not yet so much aware of feminism theology. And the president specially commented and appreciated about worship order sheet. It was also designed by myself.


hmsy said...

hey, I'm so proud of you. Even though it's the experience of last Spring, the memory remain vivid whenever I recall or see those photos. People who are involving in that graduation sermon all know without you it cannot be so impressive and outstanding! What an unforgettable experience. Exhausting but very much worthy!!