Apr 30, 2008

politics and voice

Now I'm heard some people in my country are sick to endure new government. I have no idea how many they are. Actually, almost all the voters chose new president and his government just several months ago. And most of newspapers and TV channels never say something is wrong. But, as I wrote now, much more people than the number of con voters of current government are disappointed and angry day by day.

They voted not for invisible value but for money. Unfortunately, however, that expectation was originally illusion even though they hope to deny. Do you know why? Because they expected not for better economy but for "money." You know what I mean? Yes, they just wanted and want blind money without sweat through real estatement. They don't care where real national economy will go to. That is the value system of rich people in my country. They became rich through that way.

The problem is not only that. The real problem is that the poeple who are "not" rich began to dream and expose their desire to be rich. Why it is wrong? Yes, the desire is not wrong. But, it is actually impossible for them to be rich because of unfair system. One very strong reason out of many is that they will not be allowed to stand at the starting line of game with already-rich people. That is, this society is already fixed to an unfair and imbalanced model.

So it is just a delusion as well as illusion. In other words, it is too late.

Going back to the first topic, my people made their own decision seeking great dream. Therefore absolutely responsibility of result must be theirs. Still, most of people believe new government will bring back old foam to the price of their apartment and land soon. That's it. They don't think about how healthy economy will bring healthy and steady "money" to them. So, they chose this government. So, it's nobody's fault. It's their own bloody fault.

Perhaps there is a kind of resistance to overcome or recover this disaster somewhere in my society. I hope so. But I really wonder people might make good decision on the next elections in honest. Becuase they chose this regime even though they know which is wrong and right. Surprisingly.