Jan 21, 2006

Who's afraid of unity again on web?

Let's make it simple. Every people are busy but still have reasons to share community. I think it's not only because of service but friendship.

If some of us would go back home later, it's another important reason to friends each other. We can talk, be happy, and share memories. And we can make a nice plan to Malawi or Finland!!! ....and how about Korea.

Email or messanger is good way to contact. But website is also fine yet. Just let's resume the homepage again.

I suggest a project as below:

.Org is recommendable, but not compulsary I guess. So just find a good domain name.

Creat a message board or resume the old one.

Combine people's personal homepage or blogs and make one gateway.

That's it. If being idle again, also just let it be idle. So what?

On/Off, which is your choice.