Feb 22, 2006

You don't even need to leave your car at worship place

Usually I was called as a 'non-spiritual' people. I usually don't like to attend regular worship in church. Even though I regard me as a Christian, and even though I believe I believe in Jesus, I'm not sure whether some religious practices are effective and the best way to encounter God.

Of course I devote and concentrate myself on communicating with God as much as I can. I'd like to meditate during the service. I'd like to think about Jesus when I sit down on the chair. If people say it is a 'prayer,' I'll agree. I'd like to do it in serene.

But usually I love to be with people and street. I believe the way of life is full of spiritual things whatsoever we call them. I can find out what is lying on the reality and I enjoy what is going on in reality. Secularity is more close to the reality which we lost by religious or some 'meaningful' thoughts such as 'value.' I can find out another value in the street of people as well as structure of human civliazation.

Well, it's posted on Time magazine site. Maybe it's just a photo essey of the week. You can visit there and enjoy or be shocked more. I thought about the way of worship once again. Negative or not, I don't know yet.