Sep 16, 2008

Ssamzi-gil in Insa-dong

I went to Insa-dong weeks ago with my friend, one is from Taiwan and the other is from Hong Kong. We had dinner at traditional restaurant in Pimat-gol downtown and walked to Insa-dong to take a look. It was the first time for HK friend that I introduced her there. Pimat-gol is supposed to be excavated soon to regroup that area. I'm sorry to hear that one more old street is being disappeared in Seoul. People seem not know what is beautiful and worthy to keep. We Koreans don't know by what people from other culture would be fascinated. They, especially stupid government officers, really have no idea about so called "culture" or beauty of Seoul.

From 인사동 쌈지길

HK friend has been in Japan for a few months before. According to her, souvenirs or stuffs at Insa-dong are not so special to her. Indeed, she didn't look to be interested in any things displayed on the street. I think some of HK people who have lived in metropolis doesn't have good understanding about tradition or history. In honest many of Koreans are not different from those "modern" people. We don't know what is precious and what is not on the other hand.

It was interesting that she stopped at a handcraft shop. The shop is at the basement of Ssamzi-gil, where was built in recent several years, at Insa-dong. A 4 story building is called as Samzi-gil and "gil" means "road" or "way" in Korean. However, It's not a road but a big building. It looks like a snail or snake so that we can reach the top if we just walk on the path. Anyway, we slowly have taken a look many shops in the evening to digest our stomachs full of fish.

From 인사동 쌈지길

She just stay there more than one half minutes while she just skipped most of the other T-shirts, chop sticks, post card, pencil case, table cross, which became so common picture of Insa-dong recently. And she bought small handcrafts and spent a lot of time to hesitate to buy a big bag. Most of those stuffs are made and displayed by young artists who are not so famous but working since they graduated school.

My Taiwanese friend bought me a key ring because I showed strong interest its design. Moreover, the price was good on sale. It was only 2,000 KD. Although it was my secret plan to instinct her virtue, I was happy to take that nice key ring. I was fascinated by some diary and system either. But Taiwanese friend wisely stopped me buying it. Thank you.

From 인사동 쌈지길

I don't know why they declare their restaurant is "honorable" Korean restaurant. Is it because they display that huge plastic figure of Bibim-bab? I will be disappointed if they really believe so. Hey guys, it's not the matter of size, but taste. Don't forget the simple principle.


hmsy said...

It seems your HK friend needs spend more time in order to understand deeper Korean culture.

It seems that your Taiwan friend is wiser than you even though you thought s/he didn't know that was your scheme.

Anyway, I agree with your final point. It's not the size that matters, but the taste it counts.

Min said...

Yes she doesn't experience Korean culture much to understand. I see it. Anyway my Taiwanese friend is so grateful to me haha.